A Porta Lighthouse Route
Along the southernmost coast of the central O Faro Island
The A Porta Lighthouse Route in the Cíes Islands offers a journey along the coast of O Faro Island. Less known and travelled than the path to Faro Mountain, this nature trail in the Cíes offers a view of the islands that is closer to the sea. After disembarking at the dock, take the left path at the information booth and head towards the dock that connects the islands of Monte Agudo and O Faro. Once in the latter, continue along the main road leaving the camping and bird observatory behind. After entering the island and its coast, the road reaches Nosa Señora Beach, where you’ll find the main crossroads. Take the trail that continues straight ahead, leaving the beach to the left.
The road runs along the southern coast of O Faro Island, taking you to Carracido Pier. From that small dock, the trail begins to climb slightly until you reach the A Porta lighthouse. Enjoy the panoramic views of the island of Saint Martiño, the southernmost of the islands and the only one not connected by regular boat lines.
The A Porta Lighthouse nature trail is connected, halfway up, with the path that goes to the lighthouse at the top of the island and the bird observatory.
Practical information
Distance: 3 miles.
Duration time: One hour and a half.
Difficulty: Easy.
Type of route: Not circular.