Wednesday, January 8 2025

Winter is typically associated with desolate landscapes and trees stripped bare of their leaves…except that is, in the city of Vigo! The start of the year sees the camellias beginning to flower and immersing the city in colour. In Asia the oil from the Camellia flower is considered a real cosmetic gem, with numerous benefits for our diet, skin and hair. In fact Galicia is taking its first steps in the production of camellia oil and tea.
Come and visit the Rías Baixas, where the climate and soil acidity are perfect for the cultivation of this species, and soak up its wonderful colour spectrum, ranging from the purest shade of white to the most raging tones of scarlet.
Discover Galicia’s “Camellia Route” and get lost among the beautiful flowered gardens in the very midst of winter. The route is made up of 12 gardens which include the stately home and museum, the Pazo-Museo Quiñones de León and the O Castro Park. The former is a “Pazo” (a country house) whose gardens are home to the oldest camellias in Galicia. The latter is a park which as well as offering the most magnificent views over the Vigo estuary, also allows visitors the chance to visit the fortress and the ruins of a pre-roman population as well as other monuments.
In the official language of flowers, the camellia means “I will always love you”. Come to Vigo and be seduced by these beautiful and enigmatic flowers that were brought to Galicia from the Far East by the Portuguese explorers.