An ideal neighbourhood for outdoor activities
Zamáns has less than 800 residents and is one of the most beautiful parishes in Vigo; it’s located at the foot of Mount Galiñeiro, the highest geographical point in Val do Fragoso. The area is crossed by a river with the same name and which forms a reservoir that provides the region with water; a beautiful lake for fishing, surrounded by nature trails. We would like to highlight a route that runs along the river and several ancient muíños. Zamáns also has stables where you can organize fantastic horseback routes.
Take a look at its numerous fountains, washing places and beautiful muíños, like the one in As Maquías. Nearby, in Lagoas-Marcosende, you’ll find Vigo’s Cidade Universitaria, a spectacular architectural project.
The parish celebrates its festivities, in honour of the Virgen de los Afligidos (Our Lady of the Afflicted), between late August and September.

Practical information
Habitantes: alrededor de 800