Between the sea and the mountains
Teis is a neighbourhood of sea and mountains, working-class and charismatic. Before Vigo became a port of huge ships, the fishermen’s wives climbed the A Guía mountain at night to light fires and help their husbands return home safely. Teis feels like the fishing village it was in the past; an area crowned by the beautiful A Guide Mountain and the A Nosa Señora das Neves chapel. This is your chance to discover one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Vigo. Surrounding the mountain, we find the small beaches of A Manquiña, A Fábrica, A Lagoa, Cala do Faro and A Punta. Heading the south, we can visit the beaches of Ríos - Etea, Ríos - Pilón, Ríos - Rampla, O Mende and A Suacasa.
Currently, Teis is one of the most populated neighbourhoods; it offers a varied selection of traditional commerce around Sanjurjo Badía Street, as well as its own food market.
Although fully integrated into the city centre, this parish boasts three green areas: A Madroa, A Guía and A Riouxa, where remains of Neolithic and Celtic cultures have been found.
The 60 square miles of the former headquarters of the ETEA, the Navy School of Electronics and Transmissions, founded in 1916, is in Teis. Today, the area belongs to the neighbourhood and you can walk by the sea and outside its facilities.
There are two nature trails in Teis’ mountains, the Senda del Agua (Water Trail) on the way to Redondela and the Senda GR-53 Path.

Practical information
Habitantes: 24.000