Mayos festivities
Celebrate the coming of spring with Os Maios
Vigo has its own spring celebration, the Festa dos Maios. According to legend, this ancient festival is celebrated since the beginning of agriculture in the Neolithic period.
This beautiful pagan celebration brings our ancestors’ custom of invoking the gods to ask for good crops to the centuries-old stones of Vigo’s Old Town. The agrarian rite to favour the fertility of the land was carried out through maios, music and poetry. Maios are floral representations that are carried on a cross where the festivity has been Christianized, although in Galicia you’ll most probably see them on the ground.
The festival takes place around the second week of May. You can check the exact date of the Old Town’s neighbourhood association.
Don’t miss this celebration if you like traditional Galician music; there are several folk music bands that always liven up these already festive events.
The neighbourhood is filled with food stalls, flowers and crafts, as well as tons of games and activities for children.