The O Castro site is Vigo’s archaeological site par...
Would you like to enjoy archaeology in Vigo? Vigo is one of the richest cities in Galicia when it comes to archaeological finds, in quantity (over 150 sites) as well as variety, with remains dating back to the Palaeolithic and through to the Middle Ages: castreño settlements, petroglyphs, civilian Roman architecture...
However, they’re not always easy to find on site unless accompanied by an expert guide, since they’re scattered all over the municipality, in Vigo’s forest parks and parishes. Sites like the Coruxo petroglyphs, the Estea ethnographic site in Saiáns Forest Park, or the Casa dos Mouros dolmen in Candeán are perhaps easier to locate on a visit to Vigo’s nature trails.
To make the most of your trip, we recommend you visit three archaeological sites in Vigo that are “musealised”, where you can learn and enjoy a journey through Vigo’s archaeology.