An amazing National Marine-Terrestrial Park
An amazing National Marine-Terrestrial Park
The Cíes Islands are a district of Vigo. It’s unusual to have to visit a neighbourhood by boat, isn’t it? Well, the islands are also part of this city divided the Vigo Estuary.
The first inhabitants of the Cíes Islands, called Siccae (dry) in ancient times, set foot on the archipelago in approximately 3500 BC. Since then, many civilizations have inhabited this beautiful archipelago, which is today a National Park: the Romans, Normans, different orders of monks in the Middle Ages... They are currently uninhabited, except for the National Park’s workers, and are one of the most visited areas of Vigo.
Our Cíes Islands section has all the additional information you might need.
Tips and recommendations:
Visits to the Cíes are limited to approximately 2000 people a day.