Vigo’s green belt
Cabral is the highest expression of nature in Vigo. Its name evokes a rural setting, a green parish that has gorgeous scattered green areas, like the mountains of Cotogrande, O Gorxal, Loureiro and Freiría. Fields and hills where cattle grazed for centuries when the locals were farm workers; the nearly one hundred hórreos you will see serve as proof. However, the Cabral’s rural past and strategic location has given way to a present that houses some of Vigo’s most important infrastructures, like Peinador airport or Vigo’s Trade Fair Park.
If you’re travelling to Vigo the last week of August or in early September, don’t miss the two great gastronomic festivals in Cabral: The Festa do Pan de Millo (corn bread), and the Festa do Xurelo (horse mackerel, in Galician language).
Cabral has numerous hórreos (more than one hundred years old), ancient washing places, 'petos de ánimas', etc. Most of them are classified as ethnographic elements of interest. You will find an interesting fountain excavated underground in Camiño de Ánimas. Furthermore, on the slopes of Cotogrande, you can admire two megalithic necropolises, one with two mámoas and the other with three.

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