
Wednesday, December 6, 2023 - 14:20
Turismo de Vigo

Celebrate a special New Year’s Eve in Galicia’s largest city.

Choose your party dress and outfit for your New Years Eve party in Vigo. Fashion options for all tastes and every pocket: from shopping centres to prestigious Galician designer brands, or bohemian markets  with a wide range of vintage party clothing and accessories to see in the new year 2024.

And for your New Years Eve Dinner, choose from a huge range of hotels, ...

Tuesday, November 7, 2023 - 15:55
Turismo de Vigo

Going to a magosto in autumn is an essential gastronomic experience in Vigo. It's the end of the harvest and chestnut season, and formerly neighbours gathered to preserve food for the winter. Now a magosto is an occasion to meet again around a fire, listening to traditional songs and tasting these delicious nuts, which were once essential in our Galician diet. They are currently exported all around the world, prepared as sweets, canned or as flour. But the experience of a popular magosto in Vigo is incomparable...

Monday, October 23, 2023 - 12:39
Turismo de Vigo

Have you ever celebrated the Samaín in Vigo? Long before Halloween became popular around the world, the Celts celebrated the Samaín on the night of 31st October; this Celtic festival of the dead celebrated the end of the harvest season. It was a time of plenty, dedicated to preparing and storing food for the winter.

This is a night with strong spiritual connotations, when the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead disappears, and houses are decorated with grotesque ornaments to scare...

Wednesday, March 22, 2023 - 19:22
Turismo de Vigo

Seaside Vigo:

Would you like to see how a small fishing town has become the largest and most cosmopolitan city in Galicia? We invite you to learn about our history through the rooms and display stands of the Museum of the Sea and the Museum of the Canning Industry. They will show you all the secrets of a Vigo born and transformed thanks to its water.

If you prefer to delve into the essence of a genuine fishing quarter, take a trip to ...
