Sábado, 20 Abril 2024

On the 17th May, 1863 the Juan Compañel print shop, located in the heart of Vigo’s historic old town, published the manuscript of “Cantares Gallegos” or Galician Songs, the work of Rosalía de Castro. This beautiful book of poems – which everyone should read – was written in Galicia’s own language and marked the beginning of the “Rexurdimiento” or Galician cultural renaissance. Prior to this the language had spent many centuries away from the world of cultural and literature although it had once been the language of kings and troubadours in the Middle Ages.
To remember and honour this literary milestone the Royal Academy for the Galician Language proposed that on the 17th of May each year Galicia should pay homage to those who have been outstanding in their contributions to the language, which is now co-official with Castilian Spanish. The initiative’s promoter was an adopted citizen of Vigo: Francisco Fernández del Riego, a writer closely connected to the Galaxia group, one of the most significant cultural industries in Vigo at the end of the last century.
This year, Galician Literature Day is devoted to Luisa Villalta.
Choose your book. Have a great day!